Hot Dog Hustle: 5 Days to Go!
Thank you to all who have been getting in those pledges for the Hot Dog Hustle! This is our biggest fundraiser of the year and will allow us to continue supporting our students and staff in the upcoming year.
You can help us reach these goals here: www.funrun101.com/elmlawn
Make sure to bring a water bottle, wear comfy clothes, and appropriate shoes for running/walking. Each student will be given a t-shirt to keep!
KG- Hustle: 9:55am; Picnic: 10:40am
1st- Hustle: 10:40am; Picnic: 11:25am
2nd- Hustle: 11:25am; Picnic: 12:10pm
3rd- Hustle: 12:05pm; Picnic: 11:05am
4th- Hustle: 12:55pm; Picnic: 11:55am
Reach out with any questions to elmlawnhotdog@gmail.com
***Surprise POP up Spirit Wear Sale during the Hot Dog Hustle***
Look for the table to see what styles and sizes are left. Accepting cash/check/cc!

Book Fair
May 18-19, 7:30-3:30pm @ElmLawn Library
Visit the in person BOGO book fair!!
Volunteer Link: https://volunteer.scholastic.com/#/experience/signup/DA9LsiYMK
Online sales are open May 19- June 1, but are not BOGO.
Elm Lawn's Book Fair Website: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/elmlawn

Upcoming Events for 4th graders
4th grade Track Meet- May 26, 9:30-2:30pm @Elm Lawn
4th grade Picnic- June 6, 10-2pm @Parisi Park (rain date June 7)

PTO funds support student events, classroom enrichment, field trips, staff appreciation and many more activities. Click here or click on the donate tab on the Elm Lawn PTO website.
Amazon Smiles
Consider this while shopping!
1) Visit smile.Amazon.com
2) Sign in with the same account you use for Amazon.com
3) Select your Charity as “Elm Lawn Parent Teacher Organization Inc” and donate while you shop!
Stay well!